Thursday, February 9, 2012

A follow up for Heidi

For whatever reason I feel that I should put this out there.

This day marks 1 year since I ended my "unemployment". I put it in quotations because although I had no gainful employment, I don't feel that I was without work long enough to truly consider it a traditional stint of unemployment. I had quit my previous job in the middle of January. It seemed odd to a lot of people because there weren't a lot of jobs advertised and I didn't have anything lined up. My husband was in school and transitioning from an hourly to a contract position. This meant that after my last paycheck we would be without a sizable deposit for about 6 weeks.

Of course it was a little nerve racking. Stepping into the unknown is always a little frightening. But as hard as it was to say "I'll see you later" to some really good friends I'd made along the way, I was beaming to know that I was no longer...trapped, for lack of a better word. The experience I gained was tremendous and I made dear friends, I was grateful to have the job security we needed when things got hard but beyond that, I was unhappy.

I am grateful to Drew for pushing me to choose something else. I'm grateful to him for working hard so that I didn't need to worry much. I'm grateful that he let me be without a job for a time. It was really nice to stay at home and have dinner prepped when he got home in the evening. It was nice to remember who I am and what I enjoy when I have time to myself. I finished some sewing projects, spent time with some family members, I'm pretty sure I read a book too.

I was surprised and blessed to find a new job in a small amount of time. I am lucky to be where I am and to be surrounded by wonderful people. It has been a joy getting to know them and work with them and talk with them. It surprised me how quickly a year can pass. As in all things it is another manifestation that the Lord loves us and knows His children as individuals.


Clayton and Heidi said...

Thanks Em! I needed to hear this. I feel like I get unhappier everyday that I clock into I'm sure Clayton is tired of hearing me complaining - I do it daily:). I feel the same way you do too. I have made dear friends and have learned much and I have learned even more "what not to do's", but I too am unhappy. Oh how I wish I had your strength and courage. I took one day off last week just to have a day to myself (yes it was just 2 days after we got back from vacation) and it was heaven sent. I have faith that someday, somehow my time here at will end. Thanks so much for writing that for me. Unfortuantly for now I feel like the Lord would have me stay here. Maybe he is trying to teach me a lesson in patience...I don't know.

Love ya!

Julie said...

Well said Emily! Thanks for this! :) I enjoyed catching up with all you guys have been doing! Do you guys ever are always having fun! I loved your pics of Denver! great Header picture too! So cute! Hope all is well!

Donna Madsen said...

Life is too short to stay at a job where you are uhappy! I am glad you had such amazing faith that the Lord would provide a way! You are a great example to me!

Jen said...

I am so glad you are happy with where you are. You deserve it!!

jen benson

Melanie said...

Sounds like you are much happier--glad to hear.

I love your hair in the photo on your blog, bytheway. Way cute.

The other day my son was looking through a photo book and pointed to a photo of you and me at graduation and asked who you were. I had a flash of happy study and random get-together times and I realized I miss you! Can I come visit next time I'm in Logan? Do lunch or something?