Monday, June 18, 2012

The Big News

For anyone who hasn't heard...Drew accepted a job teaching in Green River, Wyoming. He'll be working with 3rd and 4th grade Dragons at a local elementary and he's thrilled for the opportunity. This past weekend we visited Green River to meet with some people at the school as well as hunt for a place to live. We both feel really good about what we saw and are holding onto hope that all will move forward smoothly. We'll be moving at the end of July and we're really looking forward to the adventure this is going to be for the both of us.

Here are a few pictures from the area. It was a little windy when we took the photos so they aren't the best but what's a big news post without photos?!


Melanie said...

Awesome! Congrats--that will be so exciting for you guys!

amber said...

I knew you were moving to Wyoming, but I didn't know Green River. That's where Joe is from! Have fun and good luck with that never ceasing wind!