Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why are married people so boring?

So Emily and I have had the opportunity to Have my friend Dave Burgess over to our house several times since he moved up here and I have come to the conclusion that we are boring. I would say that he ends up falling asleep while with us about 3 out of 5 times he comes over. And the odds increase the longer he stays. Now in our defense Dave isn't very good at staying awake through anything, I have watched him fall asleep during a temple wedding several times. But I do feel for the most part we are boring.

We usually sit by ourselves at church, I think it's because we are considered the old grumpy couple and we really have nothing in common with the younger folks in our ward... they should have a ward for those of us who waited until they were 24 and need 6-7 years to finish our bachelors. I have considered trying to keep up with the current fashions but I am pretty sure I would look terrible in skinny leg jeans, plus I need things to flow off of me when running to the bathroom (this is a common Roska boy problem). The white rimmed glasses would make me look more like a bug than I already do and red is as about as bright as I will go.

I have also considered joining some sort of league but I have found I am not willing to give up some of my favorite shows to be a part of said leagues. I want to put in a very minimum effort but I want really good results. Does anybody have any ideas for us and no, I am not willing to give up The Office, Earl, Heroes, The Big Bang Theory, The Biggest Loser, AFV or Wrestling so that is pretty much Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings.


Tahnie said...

I think you should speak for yourself. This Roska boy has little to no incontinence problems of which to speak.....

Hama Roska said...

I don't appreciate being called old, boring, and grumpy. Geez honey.

The image of you in skinny jeans and white bug eyes does make me laugh though.

Too bad I don't have any ideas on how to make things more exciting. Maybe that's why I'm included in this boredom. :)

Tahnie said...

Whoa whoa whoa.
Incontinence adj. 1. without self-restraint, esp. in sexual activity 2 unable to restrain a natural discharge, as of urine.
Just thought I would let Brad know the meaning of that word and remind him of the...oh I don't know...20 some odd times we've had to stop so he could go the bathroom a few min. from home. Sorry love, but you just can't hold it. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I hear it's bad for the bladder anyway. :)

Alyssa said...

Hey we want to join the waited-til-24-to-get-married-and-are-going-to-need-6-or-7-years-to-get-a-bachelors ward!! Where do we sign up?? :)
No wonder we like you guys so much!

Camie said...

Just think how much more boring Andy and I must be...we're older and have been married longer!

Kristi said...

I love hanging out with you guys. I don't think you are boring at all.......wait does that mean my tastes are boring, and I am boring too???????

Four Huffs said...

I know both of you and you are not old and boring and grumpy people. My wife is older and she graduated so don't feel bad drew at all i also will have to be apart of that ward, let me know when it meets. My friend i'm sorry i have been a little busy we do need to go fishing sometime soon though, i need some drewbino time. I for one miss your lessons on sunday not saying the other teachers are bad but they aren't the roskas. Hit me up for a phone call and we can do a date night soon. (and i mean soon hahahah)

Donna Madsen said...

I guess that is just what you get when you get married. We have been married 11 years now and our life may be a bit boring at times and sure we go to bed early, but we love it. I am sure you will get used to being an old married couple. HA HA!