Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm it

So Brad and Tahnie decided to finally get a blog and they were tagged by a friend to list 8 things about them that most wouldn't know. So I am taking said challenge and will be passing this on to anybody who frequents our blog.

1.) Most people think I am a big tough guy but the truth is I am as soft as they come. There is a Caterpillar migration across 6th west in Logan right next to Icon. I slow down and maneuver around them because I feel bad if I kill them. One time I went to scout camp and Brad was suppose to moisten the soil for my toads but he didn't and they died because they couldn't get themselves out of the soil. I cried for days (stupid Brad)
2.) I can do a cartwheel. Not a crappy one, well I think they're good. I tried to do one after I saw Chris Farley do one on Tommy Boy and amazingly I did not kill myself.
3.) Emily is the only girl I've ever kissed, this is partly due to Brad. He was always kissing someone new and I always heard about it, it was something he would brag about and I hated hearing about it so it's something I never cared to do. I am just glad that the one I finally felt comfortable kissing is also the one I married.
4.) I have to be in a really weird mood for eggs. I generally can't eat them and the site of a runny egg will make me hurl. It's hard for me to eat them when they are out in the open because I syke myself out and I think I see runny parts. And eventually I have to stop eating them or I will not keep down what I have already eaten. In fact just talking about them has made my stomach uneasy.
5.) I constantly think of how I can be a hero, not only do I think about it a lot I think of situations happening in a room where I have to be the hero and figure out what I need to do to save the people in the room with me. Generally I know every possible escape route and ways I can secure the room and keep people out. I know what I could throw really hard and fast to take out the intruder.
6.) I always thought growing up I would be a fish and game guy and that I would live in the woods and survive off of the land, in fact had I not met Emily when I did I probably would have sold the jeep and bought a scooter and drove across the country, I have always wanted to see if I could survive on what I know about the land. Something I now realize I probably would have regretted.
7.) I always got confused about what hand to put over my heart. I finally got it down after I fell and cut open my hand while fishing, there is a scar on my left hand in the center of my palm and I would feel for the scar to see what one is my left and then I knew what one was my right. But every time I hear the national anthem I still feel for the scar out of habit.
8.) I wanted to tryout for cheer leading my senior year in high school but was too afraid my friends would make fun of me so I never did and I have never said anything about it until now.


Hama Roska said...

Way to take the challenge Drew. There are things that I learned about you. Wow.

Andrew said...

Those were freaking awesome things to learn about you. I loved reading them because I can totally see you doing all of those things.

Tahnie said...

Yes! Thanks for doin' it Drew. Those are 8 very intesting things! By the way, Brad laughed and laughed at your comment on our blog. He really does think I'm the biggest nerd for wanting to start one. I think back on the day when he thought he could never wear flip flops and now those are his favorite "shoes" so it may take awhile but I'll get him posting soon enough!

Aaron said...

Drew, you rock man. That was some great stuff. Did you tag someone, too?

Greatest American Fisherman ever said...

I said everyone who reads this and has a blog is it

Zach 'n' Amy said...

Hi Drew! My name is Amy, I am Tahnie's friend (I think we met once). I have a question for you: How did you stretch out your blog across the whole page? I can't figure it out.
p.s. I never knew those 8 interesting things about you!... you think you know a guy...(:

Greatest American Fisherman ever said...

That is a very good question Amy, but I must confess. Em bug is the webmaster here and I just have the great fortune of being married to her. So I will direct the question to her and she can let you know!

The Shark said...


I could have sworn you told me #8 before. Maybe I only dream about you being a cheerleader, though. Hmmm..

-The Shark
(I've visited your blog before, but this is the first time I've decided to comment -- gotta run!)